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short-wave receiver中文是什么意思

用"short-wave receiver"造句"short-wave receiver"怎么读"short-wave receiver" in a sentence


  • 短波接收机


  • General specification for the portable short - wave receivers with frequency measurement
  • By contraries , traditional radio use diverse hardware set for each types of signal ' s demodulation , which is too complicated . the thesis describes a solution for software short - wave receiver
  • The subject comes from the cooperation project “ long distance navigation short - wave receiver ” between chengdu sine science & technology ltd . and automatization school of harbin engineering university . the auther was responsible for implementation of the rf receiver of the system . the rf receiver consists of a rf front end , 3 dds synthesizer
    本项目来源于电子科技大学成都赛英科技有限公司与哈尔滨工程大学自动化学院的合作项目“远距离导航短波接收机” ,笔者负责其中接收机射频部分的研制,该射频接收机包括一个射频前端和3个dds频率合成器。
用"short-wave receiver"造句  


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